Green Pied Peach-Face Love Bird
Sir Edmond Hilliary. Hatched and hand raised in April of 1986 he is still a wonderful pet.
Kimi the Dragon Lady (lutino/yellow Fischer's)
This unusual marked
yellow Fischer's turned out to have an ailment that might have caused these marking.
Unfortunately, we did not find this out until the necropsy. :(
This is the same bird as on the
left. Her names was Spangles. I was hoping that her stripes were genetic.
Single Factored Violet Whiteface Peach-face cock. Note that the violet only gives this
bird a blue hue. Under different lighting the bird's violet is much more evident.
All of these babies are medium as they each contain one dark factor from their father and
dark whiteface blue peach-face love bird also known as a slate whiteface. The mother was a
single factored violet seagreen. All of the babies are variations of seagreen except for
the one on the far right. This bird is a medium single factored violet whiteface blue.
Kimi (the Dragon Lady), on the left, is a lutino split to yellow (dilute) Fischer's hen.
Kamal, on the right, is a yellow split to lutino Fischer's cock.
Prince is a Double Factored Whiteface Violet hen. She was sold to me with the
"guess" that she was a he. Any birds that will be placed in a breeding situation
are DNA sexed before pairing. She laid eggs before I got around to sending in a blood
Shy, the top bird, is an American Cinnamon hen. Her mate is a poor specimen of an
Orange-face, but he is a great parent.
Jo is a dark whiteface also called a whiteface slate.